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A Picnic to Remember - Jollibee Family Bee Day in Cebu

After my talk at Gdays Mandaue, the boys and I went ahead to Plaza Independencia where the Jollibee Family Bee Day was held. I was surprised to see a huge crowd jamming to Sponge Cola when we arrived!

Thousands of families joined the simultaneous Family Bee Day from across Davao, Manila, Cebu, Pampanga and Laguna. The venues? It's as big as the Quirino Grandstand in Metro Manila, Bayanihan Park in Pampanga, Nuvali football grounds in Laguna, Plaza Independencia in Cebu and Crocodile Park in Davao.

What is Family Bee Day? Well, consider it as Jollibee's way of saying thank you to the supporters and brand advocates who have been there for them. It is also in celebration of Filipino's love for good food (alongside good company).

Jollibee says that "by turning an ordinary summer afternoon into a fun-filled celebration with exciting entertainment from some of the country’s leading celebrities and bands, outdoor fun and games and great-tasting food, the country’s number one family fast-food chain truly enabled thousands of families to celebrate the grandest picnic ever!"

Here are some clips and photos from our own bonding moment. And that was a day before Mother's Day!

Kids activities for the hyper kiddos. Dabby won some toys and even gifted me one of his winnings for Mother's Day.

Julie Ann San Jose raps and sings for the crowd. They went wild over Frozen's Let it Go. :)

And there's Gerald Anderson for the moms and ates to drool over. 

Seriously, huge crowd. And I loved the camera drone that hovered over us the whole time.

Hello kiddo!

Photo booth with the kiddo!

What I admire about Jollibee is its dedication to make the family's bond stronger. A picnic like this would be memorable for these families. 

"Hey, do you remember our picnic at Plaza Independencia last summer?" 

"Yeah, I do. I saw Gerald Anderson!"

Lines like that would still hold memories for years to come. In our case, that is. And yes, Gerald Anderson looks gwapo in person. :)