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Fun Learning with Snapatoonies for the Little Kiddos

My friend Andrew on Facebook is an awesome technical director of Snapatoonies and I asked him if he could send over some of his DVDs here in Cebu for review. He astonishingly sent me some! Here's his note over email on what was sent over:
"I thought it best to send you 2 of the more recent Australian releases instead coz the packaging was a lot better than the old US ones.
There's also a third dvd in there with all of US season one rough renders as well, which includes the two episodes on the original dvds, so really you don't even need to open the cellophane wrapper on them at all, and you can easily give them away as birthday gifts to someone else."

After 3 weeks of waiting over snail mail, here it is!! The Snapatoonies DVDs are ready for busting. Unfortunately, we really opened the DVDs 

The little kiddo got excited to have these DVDs and when I asked - Would you like to watch it? - of course, he said yes without any hesitation.

Here are some photos of our unboxing!

Thank you Tito Andrew!

Popped open one DVD

Immediately watched the Magic Colour Caller


The package contents we got from Andrew

The brochure and two brand new DVDs

We did a second round of watching the DVDs a week after and I found D and the hubby huddled in front of the PC having a contest. They're answering all the questions and saying the words together. 

Now for a quick review:

I will mention the following:
  • Photos and images
  • Did you know
  • Humor

I love how the DVDs are using real, clear images to emphasize concepts. For example, the Abby Apple and Fruit Friends DVD show photos of real kids holding the fruits. It makes for an engaging episode seeing real kids in the episode. Sooner or later, you are going to hear your kiddo answering the questions and saying words together.

Another +1 for having real photos because for us, we barely recognize which tree the fruits come from because we barely see the real trees here. But after the episode, you can see which tree apples or oranges actually come from.

Aside from the photos, I enjoyed the 'Did You Know' parts of the narration. On one episode, I found the hubby explaining how birds actually fly (how they use gravity and air dynamics, gliding, etc) to actually do the flying. 

Personally, I learned from Snapatoonies that there are red and brown pear. Whooo! It was fun learning it from Snapatoonies!

The humor is really enjoyable. Talking animations. The conversations. The questions. They meld together for a funny mix of questions and introductions of the characters - I am Pear. I love talking about pears. (*hahahh!*)

For the prices of the DVDs, they run around $16 per DVD on Amazon. Snapatoonies is award winning Toddler DVD Series by the way so that is great proof that you are getting a bang for the buck. 

This series is best for toddlers. D is a bit older for it but still we learned a whole lot from it! Going to enjoy the rest of the episodes while you check it out.

You can check out their website at: to check out their DVDs and of course order them. 


  1. "...and you can easily give them away as birthday gifts to someone else." Like really... How cheap does that guy think you are...? lol... Great review, salamat! :)

    1. Thanks din Andrew! Pag meron new episodes pa send ha? :D


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